Sunday Meeting
[English] 11:00AM-12:00AM

Sunday's Messages
We are a community of believers, foreknown by God the Father, redeemed by the Son, indwelt by God the Spirit, who are called by God and assemble together in the city of Toronto in the practical oneness of the body of Christ, bearing witness to the Kingdom of God, waiting for the coming of our Lord the King and the full manifestation of His glorious Kingdom.
  • We believe that the Bible alone is the written Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that God is uniquely one yet triune - the Father, the Son, and the Spirit - coexisting equally from eternity to eternity.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was incarnated to be a man. He is both truly God and truly human.
  • We believe that Jesus died on the cross, rose again bodily on the third day, and ascended to the right hand of God to be Lord and Christ.
  • We believe that the Spirit is moving today to convict sinners, to regenerate believers, and to dwell in God’s people for the building up of the Church.
  • We believe that whoever repents and believes in the Lord Jesus Christ are regenerated and becomes a living member of the Church – the Body of Christ.
  • We believe that Christ shall come again to receive His believers to Himself, to judge the world, to take possession of the earth, and to establish His eternal kingdom.
From Him, the Body of Christ grows and builds itself up by encouraging one another to experience the intimate presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in all areas of our lives.
    We encourage one another to trust and obey the Word of God as our rule of faith and life, and to set aside time for Bible study, prayer, and spiritual reading.
    We encourage one another to live a life fully committed to God by building up a godly character and by striving against sins and worldliness.
    We encourage one another to keep in step with the Spirit, to exercise our spiritual gifts, and to nurture the fruit of the Spirit while living in the joy and power of the Holy Spirit.
    We encourage one another to extend the kingdom of God by sharing the gospel with others and by living a life worthy of our calling.
    We encourage one another to love our neighbours by showing love and mercy to others and by seeking justice for the oppressed.
    We encourage one another to submit to each other, to submit to all authorities ordained by God, and to live as lawful and responsible citizens in our community.
    We encourage one another to joyfully seek to show forth the Lord's presence in all that we say, in all that we do, and in all that we are, whether at home, at school, or at work.
Phone: (416) 292 - 4553